FREEDOM From Heel Pain Is Closer Than You Know

With all the myths surrounding Plantar Fasciitis, our Four Week Program, created by a podiatrist, will simplify your journey to become pain free.

Plantar Fasciitis Four Week Program
One time

No more confusion, Be Effective, Be Consistent, Get Back To Your Life.

Stop being frustrated by lack of progress. Too many products offer gimmicky solutions that don’t address the underlying problem. Our comprehensive 3-component strategy is backed by the latest scientific literature and contained in one convenient 30-day program.


Detailed videos

Guide you through targeted daily routines to reverse the underlying causes of plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis Four Week Program
One time

Additional Mobility Modalities

Traditional stretching can fall short. Discover additional techniques that have been used by proffesional athletes and trainers to maximize joint range of motion and decrease muscular adhesions.


Symptom Managment

Seamless incorporation of symptom managment strategies such as arch support, taping, ice+massage etc.


Keep Track Of Your Progress

Being mindful of how much you have improved is vital to success. We provide a plantar fasciitis workbook to help you track and evaluate your consistency and to recognize improvment in your symptoms.

Plantar Fasciitis Four Week Program
One time